There have been some recent changes made to our highly regarded Apple MacBook 1to1 Program which we hope will allow more flexibility for families. The changes will affect Grades 2 and 3 (from 2025/26), and due to parental requests, will now be joined by a second "voluntary" 1to1 Program, starting at Prep and Year 1 in 2025 with iPad’s. These changes will be a gradual, being implemented over a couple of years.
Both our 1to1 Programs will help provide students with opportunities to become independent within their learning, giving them access to their own (school managed) device and apps that are not always available in a conventional classroom environment where a limited number of school owned digital devices may need to be shared. The use of 1to1 technologies allows participating students to continue learning and collaborating, even at home. Additionally, with interactive activities, personal 1to1 devices let students better interact with the material, and because they are portable, they motivate students to record their learning experiences using voice, video, and photo recordings. Students who are quieter and more reserved may also feel more at ease expressing their ideas and opinions.
Whilst parents are best placed to decide when their child is ready to use their own 1to1 device (within our specific school environment), we are asking for your help in supporting the school by looking into having your child’s own USED or new Apple iPad or Apple MacBook (depending on which Year level they’re approaching). Your child will then have independent use of their own digital device and won’t need to share a classroom iPad or MacBook.
For us, Years 2-3 are considered transitional years, where students start to move away from touch screened devices with iPad specific APPs to a MacBook with a trackpad, physical keyboard, larger screen, various input/output ports, options for us to install third party apps, more functionality for some online tools, and usually has more storage space (among other things). During this transitional time, you will need to decide/monitor if your child is ready for their own MacBook and plan accordingly. While many families will opt-in early, we suggest that by Year 4, your child should be well prepared to come to school with their own 1to1 Apple MacBook (new or used). Personal or school classroom iPads won’t be approved for use from Year 4 onwards. It is also noted that it is NOT compulsory for your child to participate within either of our 1to1 Programs, it’s optional (but preferred). Families need to carefully assess their own situations and decide if obtaining a device at this time is both affordable and appropriate to your family and also your child needs and capabilities.
Our iPad 1to1 Program
Due to a high number of requests from families asking if they can be part of our 1to1 Program (BYO), we are now allowing iPad’s to be brought in from Prep and Year 1, 2025 (Year 2 in 2026), however there will be some conditions which will be explained further down. This will be called the junior school iPad 1to1 program (BYOD). If you opt to provide an iPad for your child to use within Prep or Year 1 (2025 onwards), then it can potentially go through until either Year 2, even Year 3. A MacBook will need to be used for Year 4 onwards (using either your 1to1 MacBook, or a shared classroom MacBook).
The “iPad 1to1 Program” and slight changes to our MacBook 1to1 Program will be phased in over three years, enabling younger children to participate within our BYOD program, potentially enabling greater flexibility and learning within school, but also extend learning more easily to the home. Students who participate can have dedicated use of their own learning device, without the need to share a school classroom device.
For Year 2 students starting in 2025, families can “opt in” at any time over the next 2 years, and source a Bring Your Own MacBook (BYOM) – used or new, for use within the school, and transition into our Middle and Senior school MacBook 1to1 Program. Students without a MacBook will continue to share our school owned classroom iPads or MacBook’s for this first year of transition, while in Year 2. We prefer not to accept new iPads for Year 2 or 3 during this first year of transition (2025). If a child has use of their own MacBook, this will enable them to start becoming familiar with their device before entering Year 3 where NAPLAN testing is completed at the start of that year.
2025 |
Prep – BYOD iPad or use a shared classroom iPad Year 1 – BYOD iPad or use a shared classroom iPad Year 2 – BYOM MacBook or a classroom school iPad/MacBook will be loaned (no BYO iPad’s for this year) Year 3 – BYOM MacBook only or shared classroom MacBook (no BYO iPad’s) |
Year 4 – BYOM MacBook only or use a shared classroom MacBook Year 5 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook Year 6 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook |
2026 |
Prep – BYOD iPad Year 1 – BYOD iPad Year 2 – BYOM MacBook, continue to use your BYOD iPad (preferably from Year 1), or use a shared classroom device Year 3 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook |
Year 4 – BYOM MacBook only or use a shared classroom MacBook Year 5 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook Year 6 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook |
2027 onwards |
Prep – BYOD iPad Year 1 – BYOD iPad Year 2 – BYOM MacBook, continue to use your BYOD iPad (from Year 1), or use a shared classroom device Year 3 – BYOM MacBook, continue to use your BYOD iPad (from Year 2), or use a shared classroom device |
Year 4 – BYOM MacBook only or use a shared classroom MacBook Year 5 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook Year 6 – BYOM MacBook or use a shared classroom MacBook |
Please include your name, contact, and childs name within the email:
Conditions of entry for our iPad or MacBook 1to1 Program
The government has mandated rules on how devices can be purchased and used within Victorian government schools. You can no longer pay off or lease a new device (tax free) directly with Seabrook Primary School, however you can still purchase a NEW EDUcation iPad or MacBook using our Apple Authorised Education reseller, but GST is now inclusive within the final price. Alternatively, you can source your own new or used Apple iPad (2023 or newer) – for Prep and Year 1 (in 2025), or new or used MacBook (2019 or newer) – for Years 2-6 (in 2025), but please ensure that it is in full working order, any required files backed up, and it is signed out of iCloud, before bringing it into Seabrook Primary School for configuration, as it will be erased and freshly installed first.
The school is not responsible for any file or data loss, or for repairing devices not presented in full working order.
iPad’s – Conditions of entry into our iPad 1to1 Program
Other things to consider:
Apple MacBook’s – Conditions of entry into our MacBook 1to1 Program
Other things to consider:
Please include your name, contact, and childs name within the email:
Used Apple MacBook Air's in excellent working order, manufactured around 2018 or 2019 are usually priced from $400 and represent the best value for money (if in perfect working order, with a healthy battery). You don't need a brand-new device to enable your child to participate successfully within our MacBook 1to1 Program. Apple MacBook's if looked after can perform well in primary and secondary schools for many years, and often get passed down to younger siblings. They're durable, light weight, fast, relatively secure, and perfectly suited to schools. Many of our current (and exited) students are still using older devices purchased new eight to ten years ago, a couple even longer. Our Year 6 families leaving Seabrook Primary School at the end of the year, sometimes want to on-sell their child's device. If you know of any family leaving, they may be interested in selling their child's device to you (preferably 2019 or newer). If buying used, check that the keys are working/pressing down properly (not feeling crunchy) or loose, that the hinge is tight and the screen doesn't fall backwards if opened upright, and that there is no visible damage to the charger cord or external ports on the side of the device. You should NOT hear a loud fan (whooshing) noise if turned on. If required, the school ICT department may be able to check over any device prior to purchase, but can't necessarily check battery or internal condition (without permission from the seller prior).
If families are sourcing a Bring Your Own MacBook (BYOM - new or used), then all users of that device MUST backup any files/photos and sign out of iCloud before it is brought in for configuration. Ensure the device does not have any firmware passwords either. Existing files currently saved on any device brought in cannot be retrieved once the device has been setup for school use. BYOM devices can be dropped off at the front office for configuration at any time of the year. Please leave your contact details and your child's name and classroom information with the MacBook being configured. Please be reminded once again, that the device will be erased, updated, and configured if it comes into the school for student use.
Any Apple 1to1 MacBook (new or used) will be for your child to have independent use of while at Seabrook Primary School. Some restrictions will be applied to your child's "school configured" device, ensuring that primary aged students are protected as best they can, and that all school and Department "Acceptable Use Policies" are followed. This is mandatory for all 1to1 devices if you are supplying/buying a device.
When your child leaves the school, you will need to temporarily return your child's iPad or MacBook to Seabrook Primary School for factory resetting, and removal from all our systems. You cannot factory reset it yourself, as it will probably return back to the Seabrook "locked down" state, with all the restricted school settings when turned back on and connected to the Internet. When we receive your child's device (if leaving), all school admin passwords and restrictions will be removed, it will be erased/files deleted, and a factory Operating System freshly reinstalled. It will no longer be linked to Seabrook Primary School, but returned to you like how it was originally purchased from Apple (most likely with a newer Operating System installed).
Families are responsible for backing up any required files and photos, online documents, signing out of iCloud/or Apple ID (if signed in), and handing the device to the school for factory resetting and removal from our systems before leaving Seabrook Primary School. Any device NOT returned before leaving, will need to be returned to the school at your own cost. We need 1-2 days with the device before your child's last day.
Ongoing file and data backup
It is the responsibility of your child(ren) and yourself to ensure all required documents, files, pictures, Minecraft EDU worlds etc. are backed up regularly. A portable USB or Hard Drive (for a MacBook) is an option to backup important files onto. The school and staff take no responsibility for any file loss while your child is using an Apple MacBook for school use while at Seabrook Primary School. Although rare, it is possible that your child may present to the ICT Department with a software issue where files can't be backed up, and the system needs to be restored. In this rare situation files will be lost, demonstrating the importance of backing up regularly, especially important files or family pictures. This important information is regularly communicated by classroom teachers, online, in our newsletter, and by ICT staff. Please be clear that you and your child(ren) must take reasonable steps to backup important data and family pictures yourself. That being said, school devices aren't recommended to store family photos or videos of family events and holidays on.
Pricing and purchase of EDUcation MacBook's and iPad’s can be done through our Apple Authorised Online Education Portal, however an access code is required before you can log in and submit your order. An access code is required to prove your child's eligibility. You can obtain both the EDUcation Portal web link and an access code by contacting the front office, or emailing us directly at:
Of course, purchasing of NEW device can also be done at any authorised Apple retailer. Sale events can be a good time to source one of these, however please be extremely careful if offered extended insurance or warranty products. We have heard a number of families who have paid for these questionable third party insurance products, and have had their insurance declined or discontinued (some from overseas insurance agencies), making for a MacBook that could not be repaired or replaced. A costly experience by those who have had their insurance repair refused because of cheap or dodgy extended insurance products. The government recently changed the law to ensure that "add on insurance products" can't be sold to you at time of sale, but should only be offered for sale, and sold from four days after the original purchase. This is for all products, not just Apple computers or iPad's.
If buying an Apple MacBook online through any marketplace, online auction site, or in person at a country market or trash and treasure, please do your research carefully. A portion of sellers on these platforms will often sell faulty, stolen, or locked devices, tricking you into something that is unusable and expensive. Look for excellent sales ratings and seller history, know the average price for the model and specifications you're interested in before making contact, and if anything looks or sounds odd, leave it. Never buy from a online marketplace seller who has a poor seller rating, has had very few sales, provides blurry or limited pictures, or has a profile or sales advert that appears very low on detail. If the price appears really cheap, and too good to be true, then it probably is, walk away and don't buy it.....
Warranties and Insurance
This information is about factory Warranties and Insurance that may be “offered” when you buy a NEW Apple device.
What is the difference between WARRANTY and INSURANCE?
Factory warranty is where a new device receives free support (repairs/replacement), if in the unfortunate event it may unexpectedly fail. Warranty is for failure of a product, NOT accidental damage caused to the product. A drop or liquid spill is NOT a warranty claim, this is accidental damage. Base warranties or Consumer Law DO NOT cover you for accidental damage.
Apple products purchased NEW (within Australia) come standard with a one year factory base warranty, however this can be extended and converted to a premium package by purchasing “AppleCare PLUS”. AppleCare PLUS includes unlimited free support for 3 years (or longer) for an Apple MacBook or 2 years on an Apple iPad, where your new device may stop working or if the battery fails, and also adds insurance for acidental damage (subject to an insurance excess fee for any damage claimed).
Insurance is protection against accidental damage that may happen while using the device. Insurance can come in a few different forms; via your home contents insurance (if you have it), 3rd party - through a retail shop (but caution is advised when accepting some retail extended insurance products), or directly with Apple (or our Education supplier) as AppleCare PLUS.
AppleCare PLUS (purchased with Apple) is highly recommended if buying brand new, and is our first preference. AppleCare PLUS does NOT normally cover you against theft or loss, ONLY accidental damage and product or battery failures.
The school will try and coordinate any Warranty or AppleCare PLUS claims for you. Please make contact if required.
AppleCare PLUS, what exactly is it?
AppleCare PLUS is a safe insurance product provided by Apple (the manufacturer of these devices) which allows unlimited claims from within Australia (and many other countries, but not all). For MacBook's it covers for accidental damage or warranty repairs for 3 years (or longer) when buying new from Apple, 2 years for iPad's. However, like with any insurance product, an excess fee is required at time of lodging any accidental damage claim (free for any warranty issue). AppleCare PLUS does NOT cover for loss or theft.
The standard base warranty in Australia (for any new device purchased) is normally one year, and NO protection against accidental damage. Consumer law "may" extend a factory warranty for another one year for general home use, but again, NOT for accidental damage. AppleCare PLUS (if optioned) gives both warranty and accidental damage coverage for up to 3 full years (or longer) on MacBooks, and 2 years for iPads, from the date of purchase.
The most common issue at our school has been from parents spilling their own coffees onto their childs MacBooks while at home, or the occasional screen break/drop. Without AppleCare PLUS a MacBook screen replacement can cost in excess of $750, and liquid spills can be more than the cost of a new device. With the activation of AppleCare PLUS, your insurance excess fee will be reduced to $149 for all external damage, including screen breaks, keyboard damage, or drops. Whereas anything damaged internally (like caused by a liquid spill) will be a $429 maximum (per claim).
Current fee structures for AppleCare PLUS are detailed below for both iPads and MacBooks. Prices relevant to the time of publication and may change at any time.
Warranty and AppleCare PLUS summary - iPad's
Standard base warranty |
Consumer Law |
AppleCare PLUS plan |
Factory standard warranty |
Australian Consumer Law |
AppleCare PLUS 2 Year plan |
Only covers the device in the event it may stop working
Product failure only
Does NOT cover for accidental damage, loss or theft |
Protection for up to 2 years for any product failures when used appropriately
Product failures only
Does NOT cover for accidental damage, loss or theft |
Covers the device in the event it may stop working, AND for any accidental damage
PREMIUM Protection
NOT covered for loss or theft
Paid up front for 2 years |
1 year from date of purchase |
1-2 years from date of purchase |
2 years from date of purchase |
Free |
Potentially free, if deemed reasonable and proper use |
About $109 at time of purchase (varies between education or retail purchased & model) |
Insurance excess
(the most you will normally pay if covered by AppleCare PLUS) |
Not available |
Not available |
$45 for any screen damage
$149 for any other damage (including liquid spills) |
Warranty and AppleCare PLUS summary - MacBook's
Standard warranty |
Consumer Law |
AppleCare PLUS plans |
Factory standard warranty |
Australian Consumer Law |
AppleCare PLUS 3 Year plan |
AppleCare PLUS ANNUAL plan |
Only covers the device in the event it may stop working Product failure only Does NOT cover for accidental damage, loss or theft |
Protection for up to 2 years for any product failures when used appropriately Product failures only Does NOT cover for accidental damage, loss or theft |
Covers the device in the event it may stop working, AND for any accidental damage PREMIUM Protection NOT covered for loss or theft Paid up front for 3 years |
Covers the device in the event it may stop working, AND for any accidental damage Extended PREMIUM Protection NOT covered for loss or theft Paid annually until cancelled, or if model has been declared ‘end of life’ by Apple |
1 year from date of purchase |
1-2 years from date of purchase |
3 years from date of purchase
(can be extended if renewed within 1 month after 3rd year has expired) |
1-5 years or more from date of purchase
(covered while it is paid annually, or until Apple discontinues support for the product (End of Life)) |
Free |
Potentially free, if deemed reasonable and proper use (subject to internal check) |
About $249-299 at time of purchase (varies between if education or retail purchased & model selected) |
About $100 annually until cancelled (varies between if education or retail purchased & model selected) |
Insurance excess (the most you will normally pay if covered by AppleCare PLUS) |
Not available |
Not available |
$149 for any external damage (Including broken screens, drops, external damage, keyboard damage and trackpads) $429 for any internal damage (including liquid spills, severe crushing) |
$149 for any external damage (Including broken screens, drops, external damage, keyboard damage and trackpads) $429 for any internal damage (including liquid spills, severe crushing) |
Further insurance information: |
Education insurance is no longer available through the school. You should carefully consider adding any new or expensive 1to1 MacBook device to your home and contents insurance (for theft or loss). Alternatively, AppleCare PLUS also provides insurance to a new MacBook. Please consider adding AppleCare PLUS to any NEW Apple MacBook purchase.
AppleCare PLUS does not cover against LOSS or THEFT. |
Further Apple warranty information: |
WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO ADD APPLECARE PLUS to your child's brand NEW Apple MacBook at time of ordering online (through our Online Portal) or from the device or directly with Apple if wanting AppleCare PLUS ANNUAL within 1 month of purchase. Access this from the new MacBook by opening SYSTEM INFORMATION, clicking on GENERAL, then select AppleCare Warranty and Information
AppleCare PLUS can't be added to a new device past one month old, and will revert to the standard 1 year factory warranty and no insurance if not added within the first month of ownership.
All devices purchased through our Education supplier will come standard with the base 1 or 2 year consumer law warranty but NOT accidental damage coverage (no AppleCare PLUS). If you opt to purchase AppleCare PLUS, this will provide your device with both a 3 year extended warranty (for rare failures) and also 3 years insurance (for accidental damage). AppleCare PLUS protects against failure and accidental damage only, but NOT loss or theft.
If you want AppleCare PLUS ANNUAL (renews annually), then this needs to be purchased when you receive the device (from System Setting/General or directly with Apple) within ONE month of buying the device. AppleCare PLUS ANNUAL will require an annual payment and is only covered until cancelled OR until the device is no longer supported by Apple (usually 5-6 years old). If cancelled, your device will no longer be covered by AppleCare PLUS. This annual insurance product is perhaps beneficial for parents of Year 2 or 3 students, wanting coverage for more than the 3 year only AppleCare PLUS product.
Unlimited claims of accidental damage can be made each year (for up to 3 years from date of purchase, or longer with ANNUAL plans), but only if AppleCare PLUS is added to your child's device.
An insurance excess payment is required for each claim made, prior to repairing your child's damaged device. We will send devices to Apple for an assessment first to determine if it is covered under factory warranty or through an insurance claim.
Further information:
In almost all cases, the school will try and assist with any warranty or AppleCare insurance repairs. If the device is out of warranty, we may still be able to help. Please visit the ICT Department with your request.
Any MacBook's purchased using our Online Education reseller, or brought in as a BYOM device (new or used) will be managed and configured only by the school. Due to software/management licensing requirements, this condition is mandatory. Your child cannot participate within our 1to1 Program if this condition cannot be met.
If your child does not participate in the 1to1 Program, then a shared classroom device will be loaned to your child(ren) for use during school times only. School allocated/shared devices cannot be taken home. School owned devices may need to be shared with up to one other child (1 device between 2 students).
Any damage caused to a school leased "classroom device" by means of inappropriate behavior or use, may be requested that the childs parent pay for its repair.
It is not compulsory for children to participate in our MacBook 1to1 Program. Families need to assess their own situations and decide if obtaining a device at this time is both affordable and appropriate to your family and child needs. We recommend students try and have their own Apple MacBook (new or used) by the time they're in Year 3 or 4, otherwise a classroom device should be made available to them if they can't. If classroom (school owned/leased) devices are in short supply, then your child may need to share with up to one other child within the class.
Families may choose to opt into the MacBook 1to1 Program at any time. If you choose to purchase a new device at the start of any year, and decide to include AppleCare Plus (which we strongly recommend), then any AppleCare PLUS warranty is with Apple and you, and remains active until the AppleCare PLUS period ends, no matter where the device resides within Australia.
Please email us here:
Information & Communications Technologies (ICT)
Acceptable use policy - Information for parents and students
© Copyright Seabrook Primary School