
At Seabrook Primary School our teaching and learning practices are aimed at improving outcomes for all students. Our English Curriculum aims to provide each student with a range of appropriate experiences to enhance their literacy skills in all components of English learning. The Learning process simultaneously involves learning language (as students listen to and use language with others in their lives), learning about language (as students try to understand how language works), and learning through language (as students use language as a tool to think about, or reflect on a theme, concept or issue). (Halliday 1980) Language Policy 2011




The purpose of the English Program is to:

  • Ensure all children are supported and extended, enabling them to develop and improve their literacy skills.
  • Provide a challenging and comprehensive literacy program that encompasses all modes of English.
  • Develop out students' self esteem, confidence, proficiency and independence in language learning.



Classroom practices in English will reflect the Learning and Teaching Policy which states that:


  • All students want to learn and are capable of learning.
  • Learning is best supported in classrooms that promote a co-operative approach to learning.
  • The IBO Primary Years Programme of Inquiry provides an authentic context for students to develop and use language.
  • Classrooms will promote self-esteem and confidence in learning.
  • The curriculum is broad and comprehensive and will cater for all students' needs.
  • The curriculum will develop the abilities of each student.


Classroom teams will develop teaching and learning practices that:


  • Reflects the English Victorian Essential Learning Standards and incorporates the Western Australia First Steps materials.
  • Follows the VELS developmental stages of learning giving people experience at school. Prep to Grade 4 Laying the foundations, Years 5 to 8 Building Breadth and Depth.
  • Follows the Early Years Literacy Program developed for schools.
  • Recognises that literacy involves thinking, speaking, listening, reading and writing within a relevant context.
  • Teach students to read and research using multimedia resources.
  • Builds upon previous learning which will lead to future learning.
  • Nurture the appreciation of the richness of language by making culturally diverse reading material available.
  • Builds confidence in the use of the inquiry process, experimenting and employing creative activities.
  • Teaching styles are matched with learning styles (multiple intelligences).
  • Recognises that the development of literacy is central to all key learning areas.
  • Teachers will be given the opportunity to share their professional knowledge, expertise and talents through co-operative planning both within year levels and across mini-schools.
  • Through professional development teachers will be given the opportunity to enhance their repertoire of teaching strategies.
  • Develop linguistic competence in all students and knowledge about language.



Based on priority needs, mini-school leaders will determine the allocation of funds within the development and sustainability of a comprehensive English program, in line with the Schools Global Budget.


  • Take-home and multiple copies of texts will be broad-banded into Beginning, Emergent/Early and Fluent groupings using the Reading Recovery Levels as a guide.
  • All materials that support the English program will be catalogued through the library and housed in classrooms during the year to ensure its usage.
  • The library will be used to support the Resourcing of English material (multi-literacies, Audio Visual, ICT).
  • Senior students will borrow reading materials through the library.
  • Parents are providing additional assistance for students and support in classrooms.
  • Reading Recovery will be provided for students in Year 1.



The English program will be monitored through:


  • Outcome measures stated in the School Annual Report.
  • Meeting the goals and benchmarks set out in the School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan.
  • Individual Learning Improvement Plans will be prepared for students with particular needs.
  • Student's progress will be tracked using the English continua and VELS progression points.
  • Results formulated through the collection of Reading Recovery data, NAPLAN data and P-2 Reading Benchmark data.
  • The ESL VELS companion will be used as a guide for ESL students.


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