Visit COS to place an online order



2025 Requirements for Online Ordering

For a fast, simple, and secure way to place your order visit parent.cos.net.au and follow these steps:

1. Click on School Packs or Sign in button in the menu taskbar
2. Enter the Username: seabrookprimary@cos.net.au
Password: BTSparents-2025
3. Select the Year level required for 2025
4. Review product selection based on your requirements
(Please note, items may have been marked as either mandatory or optional by your school)
5. Add your Pack to the shopping cart
6. Enter your Child’s Details
7. Enter in your credit card, PayPal or Pay4 details and then submit your order

You will receive an email order confirmation and can also request order tracking sent to your mobile.

Class stationery list

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

© Copyright Seabrook Primary School